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Chlorella – yellow algae with high lutein content

A new alga, yellow chlorella with a high content of lutein (0.5%), was bred by scientists at the Institute of Microbiology of the CAS - Algatech Centre in Třeboň.

What is chlorella? Freshwater unicellular algae. It is used as a dietary supplement and also to detoxify the body. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. For example, one of the substances it contains – the so-called lutein – helps to reduce the symptoms of age-related retinal degeneration.

What is lutein? It is an important antioxidant for our body, which belongs to the group of carotenoids. It is mainly found in various types of leafy vegetables, but also in those that are yellow or orange in colour. This oxidant plays an important role in maintaining eye health and reducing the risk of macular degeneration. It may also have protective effects on the skin and cardiovascular system.

What is the Algatech Centre working on? It offers custom cultivation of microorganisms, contract research in cultivation optimization or downstream processes, or collaborative research in microalgae biotechnology.

The datasheet for this technology can be found in our Technology and Instruments Database.

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