Transfer Portal


Transfer Portal CAS

Connecting business with science


Not only to explore, make discoveries and expand the boundaries of knowledge, but also to translate all knowledge into practical applications in a meaningful way. This is the goal of the Technology Transfer Centre of the CAS, which provides services to the departments of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in the field of applying research results in practice, thus linking science with business.
The next edition of the TT Actual discussion platform aimed to name the obstacles that stand in the way of supporting the transfer of the results of scientific activities into practice. The transferors chose a thorny topic in a survey, and on May 20, 20 of them joined the online discussion.
The establishment of collaboration between researchers from the Czech Republic and world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is being made easier thanks to a new program called the MIT-Czech Republic Seed Fund, a joint project of MIT, the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), and the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS (IOCB Prague). IOCB Prague subsidiary IOCB Tech is providing the fund with 300,000 USD.
First TT Actual transfer discussion platform of this year focused on the effective use of free capacities of instruments and laboratories within the CAS. You can find these capacities in the brand new database of technologies and devices which is the main part of new Transfer portal CAS. The opinions and suggestions of colleagues will serve as a basis for the CETTAV team in solving this task.
Interest in educational events tailored to the so-called workplaces of the CAS is growing. The online workshops thematically respond to the specific needs of the client in the field of knowledge transfer. The program was launched by CETTAV last year and positive references and responses from workplaces are bearing fruit. One of the customers is the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS.
CETTAV's profile on the best social network of professionals significantly helps with the communication of TZT topics and in the exchange of information between colleagues. We started it a year and a half ago out of sheer despair over the fact that we don't have an academic intranet where we can communicate and discuss topics, ideas and invitations to events across our transfer community. He was only for invited guests and was far from the force of today's CETTAV LinkedIn.
Research results neatly in one place as well as help with transferring them into practice - both of these things are now offered by the new Transfer Platform. The academic website aspires to become a comprehensive communication platform for the support and development of knowledge and technology transfer. Simply put, to show what is happening in (not only) the tech transfer field at the Academy of Sciences. The portal has been presented by the Technology Transfer Center of the CAS.